So last eve I visited a friend of mine who is a vodka connoisseur (not technically, just a fellow fan of that lovely clear liquid). I remembered her telling me about doing a vodka taste test with another friend of hers. Our current favorite is Tito's which was inexpensive when we first became acquainted with it but is quite pricey now. It was with some trepidation that we first tried the 'home' brew…expecting burning throats and hives perhaps…so we couldn't have been more surprised. Straight up, not only is it smooth and delicious but it won! It was close but in the end we settled on having our vodka tonics with yours! Deelish! I'd never heard of vodka being made with corn or anything else other than potatoes…until I saw yours…and then had a closer look at Tito's, also corn. What do I know?! Apparently I just drink it without looking too closely at the label.
Anyway, bravo! I'm excited about your project. And thanks so much for the chance to try some. See you soon. S